
What Happens with your TATTOO when you Die?

What Happens with your TATTOO when you Die? Well briefly.........You have 3 possibilities..... -1. Your body will be burried......and your Tattoos will be lost for ever....... (drawing by Martin Cuijpers)   -2. Your body will be cremated......and your Tattoos will be lost for ever. (Photo: free picture Pixabay) -3.   You donate your Tattoos to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation and your Tattoos will live for eternity this one..... (Photo: free download lookandlearn. com) By the way.....this Tattoos dates from 2 centuries ago....between 1860-1900. If you´re interested in my Tattoo project.....please read .....the article "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs" In the Blogger (before First Tattoo Donations) Have a nice day....Martin Cuijpers (Tattoo Donor) Published 23-7-2023   My new email is   ________________________________________________________________________________ ___Future Way to Commemo...

Antonio Banderas

 ____ Antonio Banderas___ (Photo: free picture Flickr) As far as I know does Antonio Banderas have no tattoos. Nevertheless I´m going to write him an open letter to tell him about my Tattoo project for charity.... "Good morning Antonio Banderas....several times I have been to the door of your appartement to tell you about my Tattoo project for charity.... Although you have no tattoos yourself (as far I know) I do have request....could you please be so kind to read my article: "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs" In the Blogger: Worldwide people still are dying in the hospitals while waiting for a donor organ. But the probleem is that there are not suficient donor organs available... With the future Tattoo Donor Foundation this problem will be solved for ever...! In the meantime while I wait for your answer I continue promoting my Tattoo project in Malaga. (Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers) Thank you so much for your precious time and hope to speak you ...

Lichaam Doneren aan de Medische Wetenschap

 ____Lichaam Doneren aan de Medische Wetenschap____ (Foto: Martin Cuijpers / Tattoo Donor) In het Museo Malaga...... (Foto: Martin Cuijpers / Tattoo Donor) (Foto: Martin Cuijpers / Tattoo Donor) Eerste keer gepubliceerd 9-12-2024

Future Way to Commemorate

 ___Future Way to Commemorate___ For centuries we have buried our beloved ones that had passed away in a graveyard. (drawing by Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)   (Photo by Arina Krasnikova from Pexels) Or like in many cultures it was tradition to cremate/burn our dearests.  Here in the cemetery in Casabermeja the deceased are bricked up in a hole in a wall.       (Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers.)  In a large group of people....                       (Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers) ...or a little more individual....                               (Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers) In Christian religion in urns and grail the mortal remains are kept of Popes and bishops.  Nowadays...