

______Adele______ (Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons) An open letter to Adele: “Hi Adele…….you have already many years Tattoos…….no.? Several Tattoos….. is of 3 dots..... (Photo: free picture Wallpaper Flare) .....another is of a one penny coin..... (Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons) And a very important for her is the Tattoo is the letter "A" which is a tribute to her son Angelo. (Photo: free picture Depositphotos) As it shows this on her left hand...... (Photo: free picture Pixabay) But Adele....nowadays you can do something special with your Tattoos. I'm working on a project about Tattoos that is called: "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs”........ You can read everything in my Blogger: (before First Tattoo Donations) Worldwide still people are dying because they were waiting for a donor organ. But the problem is that there are simply not enough donor organs. (Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons) When you donate one of your tatto...


 ____Ainata___ (Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons) Ainata is a Spanish singer from the north of Spain.  (Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons) Ainata is a Spanish singer from the north of Spain. And she is going to perform in Starlite in Marbella on the 22nd of June.... (Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers) Starlite is again presenting this summer the best boutique festival of the south of Spain. (Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers) On the internet I have seen that Aitana has several tattoos.  One on her right arm of 2 little butteflies and a star on her left elf with wings and a flower on her left arm. So I'm going to write her an open letter with the question if she is willing to donate one of her tattoos to charity....or to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation. "Hello Aitana...I saw on the internet that you are a fan of Since I have invented the Tattoo Donor Card it is possible to do something very special with it. You can donate yo...

Robert Downey

 ______Robert Downey______ (Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons) Robert Downey has as far as I know now 3 Tattoos.... The thing with Tattoos is that they multiply before you notice.  Now a person can have 3 year he has 5 or more. the moment the score of Tattoos of Robert is 3.  Number 1....The Avengers Tattoo....was an idea from Scarlett Johansson to complete 10 years of strarring of Robert in Marvell Movies.  (Photo: free picture Flickr) The ink was made by Joshualord. Number 2....The Tattoo with the letters of the name of his son Indio. Number 3.... The Tattoo Suzie Q dedicated to his love for his wife Susan Levin.                                     By the way the song Suzie Q from the Beach Boys I remember from my youth.  The song I played many times before starting to sleep,  The tune made me dream of another universe. Link - Cree...

Annie Lennox

 _____Annie Lennox_____ (Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons) Finally Annie Lennox has been inked (she says).  The Tattoo is a bright red heart with birds on the right and the left side. It would be great if Annie considers to donate her new Tattoo to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation....  so here follows a special request to Annie Lennox: "Hello Annie Lennox.....I have seen on the internet that you inspite your not so young age have decided to get a Tattoo. Since I have invented the first Tattoo Donor Card it is to possible to donate in the future your Tattoo to Charity,  Mabey you might ask how is it possible to donate a Tattoo to Charity....? can find the answer in my article "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs" In the Blogger The main goal of the future Tattoo Donor Foundation is to build laboraties for growing new skin for people with burns.... (Photo: free picture Pexels) grow other organs for transplant.... .......

Paris Hilton

 ___Paris Hilton___ (Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons) Paris Hilton is a american DJ.....also a singer, businesswoman, actress and model. She is born in New York City in 1981. Paris has as far as I know 2 Tattoos. One of them is a butterfly...... So I´m going to write her in an open letter if she is willing to donate one of her Tattoos to Charity. (Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons) An open letter to Paris Hilton: "Hello Paris are you doing? I´ve seen on the internet that you have at least 2 Tattoos. One of them is a butterfly. Since I have invented the Tattoo Donor Card which is part of my unique Tattoo project for Charity I´m writing to all kind of popartists, movie stars and other celebrities if they are willing to donate their famous Tattoos to Charity. (Photo: Martin Cuijpers) Could so kind to read the article "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs"  In the Blogger (before First Tattoo Donations) With the futur...


____Pa___ (Foto: Martin Cuijpers) Oftewel in het Tilburgs.....Onze Pa. Eerste keer gepubliceerd 18-6-2019   By the new email adress is    

Camila Cabello

_ _________Camila Cabello_________ (Photo: Flickr) An open letter to Camila Cabello: “Hi Camila Cabello…...I'm about to start a foundation that will be called the Tattoo Donor Foundation. See my article "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs"  Could you, please……. read this article about Tattoos in the Blogger:  (before First Tattoo Donations) I would appreciate it when I could catch your attention about the fact that worldwide there are still people dying, because there are not enough donor organs for operations. When you decide to donate one of your Tattoos to charity that would be great gestures to start the future Tattoo Donor Foundation. We need all kinds of support.  Except financial support.  Tattoo Donor is not interested in money or fame and is NEVER going to ask people for financial donations.  The financial picture will work perfect because of my inventions and the donations of the Tattoos of all kind of popartists, movie stars and other celeb...

Cyndi Lauper

 ____Cyndi Lauper____    (Photo: free image Flickr) Cyndi Lauper is an American singer, songwriter and actress. But also an activist. Cyndi Lauper has a tattoo of a tiger design on her left I´m going to write her in a open letter if she is willing to donate her tiger-tattoo to charity....or to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation. Open letter to Cyndy Lauper: .... "Hello Cyndy are you doing? I have seen on the internet a photo yours with your tattoo of a tiger.  Are you aware of the fact that since Tattoo Donor has invented the Tattoo Donor´s possible to donate a tattoo to chartity?   Or to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation. (Photo: free picture Flickr) You didn´t know that....hey! You can read everthing in my article "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs"  In my Blogger (before First Tattoo Donations) One of the main goals of the future Tattoo Donor Foundation is to build laboraties for growing new...

Blanca Suárez

_______Blanca Suárez______ (Photo: Wikimedia Commons) Una carta abierta por Blanca Suárez: “Hola Blanca Suárez……..he visto que ha puesto lo mismo tatuaje que su pareja Mario Casas……….. Como este……? Ahora existe la posibilidad de hacer una cosa muy especial con ese tatuajes.! Por favor….puedes leer mi articulo "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs" en el Blogger: ……? (Antes First Tattoo Donations) Voy a fundar un fundación para donar órganos a la buena cosa ….. se llama Tattoo Donor Foundation  Todavía falta en todo el mundo órganos para trasplantes. Si tienes preguntas,..........por favor…..contacte-me……..Martin Cuijpers  (Tattoo Donor) .” To be continued…….. (Primera vez publicando 25-3-2019)   By the new email adress is    

Robin Wright

 ____Robin Wright____ (Photo: free picture Flickr) Robin Wright is an actress who was born in Dallas (Texas) Robin got a tattoo for het fiancé Ben Foster on her wedding finger..... Long time ago Robin impessed me in her role in the movie Forest Gump in which she played the girlfriend of Forest called "Jenny".  And recently I watched the film "Damsel" in which she was the queen. (Photo: free picture Flickr) Here Robin Wright waves to her fans at the primiere of " The Private Lives of Pippa Lee".  During the Toronto Filmfestival in the year 2009. (Photo: free picture Flickr) Here Robin Wright in Wonder Woman...... (Photo free picture GoodFon)