
Antonio Banderas

 ____ Antonio Banderas___ (Photo: free picture Flickr) As far as I know does Antonio Banderas have no tattoos. Nevertheless I´m going to write him an open letter to tell him about my Tattoo project for charity.... "Good morning Antonio Banderas....several times I have been to the door of your appartement to tell you about my Tattoo project for charity.... Although you have no tattoos yourself (as far I know) I do have request....could you please be so kind to read my article: "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs" In the Blogger: Worldwide people still are dying in the hospitals while waiting for a donor organ. But the probleem is that there are not suficient donor organs available... With the future Tattoo Donor Foundation this problem will be solved for ever...! In the meantime while I wait for your answer I continue promoting my Tattoo project in Malaga. (Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers) Thank you so much for your precious time and hope to speak you

Samantha Fox

 ____Samantha Fox____ (Photo: free picture Flickr) Samantha Fox is an English singer and model and is from Crouch End in North London. She is familiar with television work and has appeared on reality shows and was seen as a television presenter. Between 1983 and 1986 she became  one of the most photographed British women as a sex symbol. On the internet I have seen that Samantha Fox has several tattoos. So there I go again...I´m going to write an open letter to Samantha. An open letter to Samantha Fox: “Hello Samantha Fox…….on the internet I have seen a photo of your tattoo. Although a tattoo is a very personal thing,.......but nowadays since I have invented the first Tattoo Donor Card you can do something very special with it. Could you…...please…….read my article “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs" in the Blogger:    (before First Tattoo Donations)  I am working on a Tattoo-project and try to start a foundation for donor organs. Everyday still people die,  while wai

Yolanthe Cabau / Wesley Sneijder

__Yolanthe Cabau / Wesley Sneijder__ (Foto: gratis foto Bij een echtscheiding….of vechtscheiding….hoort de onvermijdelijke boedelscheiding van de beide partners. De gezamenlijke herinneringen behoudt ieder voor zich. Bij sommige breuken blijven de beide partijen vrienden…….soms ook niet.! De rompslomp van de materiële verdeling komt tegenwoordig steeds meer om de hoek kijken, omdat er een piek van echtscheidingen aan het ontstaan is. Er worden veel meer echtscheidingen geregistreerd dan vroeger. Maar er is iets anders nieuws ontstaan…...wat vroeger bijna ook niet voor kwam. Door de Tattoo hype zitten vele getatoeëerde partners (of beter gezegd:.....ex-partners!)....tegen een dilemma aan te hikken. Ik zie op internet, dat er meer getatoeëerde celebrities zijn …..dan bekende personen zonder deze plak plaatjes. Waren het maar plakplaatjes. Deze huidversieringen zijn permanent en kunnen alleen door laseren of een operatie verwijderd worden. Dit is echter een pijnlijke, lang

Johnny Depp

 ___Johnny Depp__ (Photo: free picture Harald Krichel / El Cronista) One of the quotes by Johnny Depp is : "My body is my journal...and my tattoos are my story" Well....Tattoo Donor would like to insert Johhny´s journal in it´s Tattoo-project for charity... So I´m going to write an open letter to Johhny Depp.... (Photo copyright Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers...drawing by Pieter Zandvliet) An open letter to Johnny Depp: Hello Johnny.....could be so nice to read this article first.......? ___What Happens with your TATTOO when you Die?___ Well briefly.........You have 3 possibilities..... -1. Your body will be burried......and your tattoos will be lost for ever....... (drawing by Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)   -2. Your body will be cremated......and your tattoos will be lost for ever. (Photo: free picture Pixabay) -3.   You donate your tattoos to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation and your tattoos will live for eternity this one..... (Photo: free download lookand