
Halle Berry

_______Halle Berry_______ (Photo: free photo Wikimedia.Commons) An open letter to Halle Berry: “Hello Halle Berry…...How are you?........I see on the internet a tattoo of a piraat on your hand…..! Do you like pirates as much I like pirates…..? I am recruiting tattoos for the future Tattoo Donor Foundation. Or better to say it in an other way... I'm asking pop artists, movie stars and other celebrities if they are willing to donate one of their famous Tattoos to charity.  Could you be so nice to read my article "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs".....  .... in the Blogger: …...Please….? (before First Tattoo Donations) There is worldwide still a lack of donor organs for transplantations……With the future Tattoo Donor Foundation we can solve this problem in one blow...  If you decide to donate one of your tattoos to the Foundation you could help a lot of children that are waiting in hospitals for a transplantation. Everyday people die that could have been cured

Tom Holland

  ___Tom Holland___ (Photo: free picture Flickr) Tom Holland has a tattoo on a very unusable spot.... under his foot. So there goes Tattoo Donor again... I´m going to ask Tom if he is willing to donate his tattoo to charity...or to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation. In an open letter: "Hi Tom are you doing.? On the internet I´ve seen that you have a new tattoo on a very rare place...under your foot. Since Tattoo Donor has invented the Tattoo Donor Card it is possible to donate a tattoo to charity...or to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation.   I am working on a project that is called “Tattoo Donor for Donors  Organs”. This project includes the start of a foundation that provides donor organs for patients that are waiting for a transplantation…… (Photo: free picture Pinterval) Another goal of the future Tattoo Donor Foundation is to ground laboraties all over the world to grow at large scale new skin for people with burns and acid grow other organ

Ed Sheeran

________Ed Sheeran________ (Photo: Tijdens mijn zoeken naar de perfecte vrouw kom ik iedere keer de song Perfect van Ed Sheeran tegen. Link -  Ed Sheeran - Perfect (Official Music Video) - Ik denk, dat Ed Sheeran een van de weinige personen is, die op een “perfect” -manier zijn gevoelens voor het vrouwelijk geslacht kan bezingen. Daarom de volgende oproep: “Hello Ed Sheeran…...You are a trend-setter with your music and your tattoos. Therefore I want to ask you a favour;  “I know that you don't have much time…..but nevertheless,.... please….please…..could you read my article “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs ” in the Blogger (before First  Tattoo Donations) There is still a lack of donor organs worldwide.!  And the main goal of the future Tattoo Donor Foundation is to grow new skin for people with large scale. (Photo: free picture Flickr) And when I say at large scale...then I mean at large scale.   And not only

The Latest Tattoo Donor T-shirt

___The Latest Tattoo Donor T-shirt____ (Photo: Tattoo Donor /  Martin Cuijpers ) To be continued…… (Foto: Copyrights Martin Cuijpers....artist Victor Doblado) Out of the Tattoo project for Charity in the blog     By the new email adress is    

Dolly Parton

 _____Dolly Parton_____ (Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons) Dolly Parton has revealed that she has got Tattoos to cover up scars from previous surgeries. She has some butterflies and beehives and other Tattoos. But they are not heavy dark....more pastel. In fact she admitted to be not "such a Tattoo girl". But even pastel Tattoos can be donated to charity, So I`m going to write an open letter to Dolly. An open letter to Dolly Parton:.... "Hello Dolly Parton....I have read on the internet that you have got some Tattoos to cover up scars from previous surgeries. That`s a very practical reason to take a Tattoo. However...since I have invented the first Tattoo Donor´s possible to donate some of your Tattoos to Charity. Maybe you will think: "How is it possible to donate a Tattoo to charity.                                                                   can read this in my article "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs" in the Blog

Melanie Griffith

_______Melanie Griffith_______ (Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons) An open letter to Melanie Griffith: “Hi Melanie Griffith….How are you doing? Everytime when I'm guiding family and friends in El Pimpi in Malaga I point them to your photo on the wall together with Antonio Banderas. (Photo: free picture Flickr) But to my dismay I discovered that you say in the media that you want to get to rid of your Tattoo from Antonio Banderas. I hope that I'm not too late and that you could read ….please…..about my UNIQUE Tattoo project for charity: "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs"... in my Blogger (Before....First Tattoo Donations) God…..I'm to late… You already did it. Shit.! But never mind…..You still can donate the damaged Tattoo to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation. Or another new this Tattoo Donor Tattoo. When you read the article in the beginning it seems a weird idea….but the more you think about this subject….the more

Sandra Bullock

______Sandra Bullock_______ (Photo: free photo Wikimedia Commons) An open letter to Sandra Bullock: “Hi ….Sandra Bullock….you say on TV that your Tattoo is very personal. Good for you.! People have to realise that the owner of the Tattoo can decide what he (or she) does with the ink-decoration on their body. Show the Tattoo…..or keep it hidden.! link - Sandra Bullock Talking About Her Tattoo - But now you have the possibility to do something special with your tattoo for charity. Since I'm working on a UNIQUE Tattoo project…..I want to ask you, could you… the article “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs“.... in my Blogger …….? (before First Tattoo Donations) Everyday people are dying in hospitals worldwide while waiting for a donor organ. But the problem is that there are not enough donor organs.   (Photo: free picture Pixabay)   With the future Tattoo Donor Foundation this problem can be solved for ever…... For Ever.! In the

Glennis Grace

_____Glennis Grace____       (Foto: glennisgrace_performance) Een absolute liefhebster van Tattoos is de Nederlandse zangeres Glennis Grace.  "Finally I got my Rose and butterfly" is aldus het commentaar van Glennis Grace op haar nieuwe Tattoos. Al bij al heeft Glennis wat uurtjes in de tattoo shop gespendeerd. En het lijkt erop dat ze op zijn zachts gezegd verkikkerd is op Tattoos. Daarom deze "open brief" aan Glennis Grace: "Hallo Glennis Grace....op het internet zie ik dat je maar niet genoeg kunt krijgen van de Tattoo-rage. Je bent blij met ieder kunstwerk dat op je lichaam getatoeëerd wordt. Welnu....ik (Tattoo Donor) heb een challenge voor jou. Ik heb onlangs nog op mijn oude dag een Tattoo laten zetten. Speciaal voor het goede doel. Deze Tattoo heet Tattoo Donor Knight. ( Foto: Copyright Martin Cuijpers) Mijn Tattoo Donor Knight ga ik doneren aan de toekomstige Tattoo Donor Foundation. De challenge is nu: "Zou jij ook één van jouw Tattoos w

Bitcoin versus Tattoo Donor Tattoos

  __Bitcoin versus Tattoo Donor Tattoos__ (Foto: gratis foto Pexels) Zo gauw de hamer van de veilingmeester in een veiling bij Sotheby's of Christies van een Tattoo van  Tattoo Donor valt...ontstaat de handel in Tattoos.  En vanaf dat moment kan de optie op een Tattoo Donor-Tattoo verhandeld worden. Niet dat ik blij ben met het feit dat de Tatoo Donor-Tattoos verhandeld gaan als een aandeel op de als een Bitcoin...maar het is onvermijdelijk. Maar het grote verschil dat een Bitcoin iets in the "Cloud" is, terwijl een Tattoo Donor-Tattoo tastbaar is.  (Foto: gratis foto Wikimedia Commons)   Terwijl een bitcoin "lucht" is.....    (Foto: gratis foto Pexels) Maar het risico is net als bij de pluisjes van een bloem.......op 1 dag is het gewoon "gone with the wind" (foto: Martin Cuijpers) De bitcoin is een cryptovaluta. Het is een digitale munt... En in feite is de eigenaar.....een eigenaar van digitale cijfers....   (Foto