Tattoo Donor para Órganos (Piel)
Tattoo Donor para Órganos (Piel)
(Foto: Tattoo Donor (Martin Cuijpers)
Durante tu vida, ya es posible donar parte de tu hígado a alguien más. Con esa parte de tu hígado puedes salvar la vida de un paciente, pese a que el hígado original vuelve a crecer dentro de unos meses.

(Foto: image gratis Wikimedia Commons)
Me gustaría atraer tu atención al hecho de que, incluso hoy, se espera que por la escasez de hígados para muchos pacientes en lista de espera para un órgano, éstos aún mueran.
Tienes dos riñones. El hecho es que fácilmente puede fallar uno.
(Foto: image gratis Wikimedia Commons)
¿Cuántos pacientes están esperando para una donación de órganos pese a la máquina de diálisis?
(Foto: gratis image Wikimedia Commons)
En cuanto a mis hijos y nietos, no dudaría ni un segundo en donarles uno de mis órganos. Daría incluso mi vida por ellos.
Hasta aquí la teoría… Ahora la realidad.
Mi hígado, por razones, no durará mucho; mis riñones están muy viejos… Pero hay otra posibilidad.
En el presente, no hay suficientes donantes, pero existe una posibilidad de captar la atención de futuros donantes. ¿Cómo? Estableciendo una fundación.
Una fundación dirigida por “Tattoo Donor", tatuajes para donantes de órganos. Te preguntarás cómo funciona.
Me doy cuenta mientras escribo mi artículo “Tatoeages” para mi libro, de que los tatuajes de personas famosas podrían tener mucho valor si se subastan.
Porque la mayoria de las personas famosas tienen actuellemente una tatuaje....
Pero que pasa con sus tatuajes cuando los famosas mueren......???
Personas famosas como:.....
- como Johnny Depp......
(Foto: image gratis El Cronista)
- como Justin Bieber.....
(Foto: image gratis Wikimedia Commons)
(Foto: image gratis Citaty /
- como Beyoncé.....
(Foto: image gratis Wikimedia Commons)
- como Miley Cyrus.....
(Foto: image gratis Citaty /
- o como Jennifer Lopez.....
(Foto: image gratis Wikimedia Commons)
Las artistas de pop....las estrellas de cine....y otras famosas pueden poner los tatuajes a disposición de la fundación futura. Los voluntarios (solo si ellos lo desean) se registrarán como donantes de órganos para la fundación. Pero no solo ellos.....pero todo el mundo puede.
Luego de que fallezcan, el tatuaje será removido, deshidratado y preparado.
Es possible preparar tatuajes para siempre....Vea ese ejemplo:.....
(Foto: image gratis
Pero aquí está la mejor parte: el tatuaje será subastado aunque el donante siga vivo.
Las célebres estrellas que han decorado sus cuerpos con tatuajes podrían contribuir considerablemente a la futura fundación. Pueden poner en subasta uno o más tatuajes y, después de su muerte, éstos serán removidos.
Quiero enfatizar que todas las ganancias irán a la fundación Tattoo Donor, la cual podrá arreglar los órganos más demandados....y ademas para construir las Tattoo Donor laboratorias.....
(Foto: Copyrights Martin Cuijpers....artista Victor Doblado de Malaga)
Nota de Tattoo Donor: … Fundación futura nunca (lee, NUNCA) va a comprar órganos. No es el propósito que la gente pobre, en países como India o Brasil, venda sus hígados u otros órganos. No está bien que las personas del tercer mundo se sientan tentadas a vender sus órganos por dinero. Los pobres tienen ya suficiente miseria.
Tattoo Donor nunca va a pagar a la gente por sus donaciones de órganos. ¡NUNCA! El dueño del tatuaje no recibirá ninguna compensación. Tattoo Donor cuidará del hecho de que no se hagan negocios de tatuajes preparados.
De este modo, los postores en la subasta pueden tocar con sus manos una pieza de arte viva, con la opción de conseguir el tatuaje enmarcado a su debido tiempo.
El postor gana una pieza de arte única e indirectamente apoya una buena causa.
El dinero de la compra del tatuaje es desgravable.
El propietario del tatuaje se convierte automáticamente en donante de órganos de una forma muy económica.
Y si la persona se hace el tatuaje para llamar la atención, no dudes que lo hará.
Tattoo Donor-Tatuajes llegará a ser este verano el mayor “hit” en las playas de la Costa del Sol (o el verano que viene).
Sin embargo, la parte más importante es que los pacientes de hígado consigan un órgano nuevo. Esta fórmula es obviamente aplicable a todos los tipos de trasplante de órganos.
De esta manera, el cuchillo no sólo corta ambos trozos; de hecho 3 trozos.
Con el dinero de las subastas de los tatuajes, la fundación puede mejorar el sistema de codicilos de los donantes. Puede hacer crecer nueva piel con quemaduras en los laboratorios....
(Foto: image gratis Pexels)
......crecer otro organos....hacer investigaciones en bacterias y virusses.....
(Foto: image gratis Pixabay)
.....y puede lograr que la legislación de trasplantes sea más fácil en el futuro.
La fundación Tattoo Donor será, en lo que a mí respecta, la primera obra de caridad libre de corrupción. Odio la corrupción.
Tal vez soy un soñador, pero esta nueva fundación sólo tendrá el mejor interés hacia los pacientes, de corazón. No coches caros para la Administración, ni otra forma de lujo.
Cada céntimo irá para los pacientes. Un sistema de control interno se encargará de que el dinero no acabe en los bolsillos equivocados.
(Foto: gratis image Pixabay)
En un anexo de la fundación Tattoo Donor; piel nueva puede crecer a gran escala, lo cual es altamente deseable para ayudar a las víctimas de quemaduras severas.
Casualmente, puedes puedes hacer que crezca piel en un laboratorio. ¿Lo sabías?
En Petri Glasses......
¿Sabías también que la piel es el órgano más grande del cuerpo humano y pesa alrededor de 11 kilos?
(Fotografia de Magdaline Nicole de Pexels)
Para ver la version en inglés puedes leer en mi Blogger
Publicado primera vez 28 octubre 2020
Que pasa con sus Tatuajes cuande mueres......?
Cuando mueren hay 3 posibilidades:...
1. Enterran los tatuajes juntas con el cuerpo.....Y los tatuajes son perdidas para siempre.....!
2. Los tatuajes queman mientras un cremación......y los tatuajes seran perdidas para siempre.....!
(Foto: image gratis Pixabay)
3. Las famosas donan sus tatuajes a caridad....o a la futura Tattoo Donor Fundación.....y los tatuajes vivirán para siempre. Van a vivir para la eternidad....!!!
(Foto: gratis image Pixabay)
Version inglés:.....
______Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs____
(Photo Martin Cuijpers)
During your lifetime it is already possible to donate part of your liver to someone else.
With that part of your liver you can save the life of a liver patient, whilst the original liver regrows within a matter of months.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that even today due to shortage of liver organs many liver patients, who are on a waiting list for an organ, still die.
You have 2 kidneys. Fact is that you can easily miss one.
(Photo: Public DomainPictures from Pixabay)
How many kidney patients are waiting for a donor organ whilst on a kidney analysis machine?
When it comes to my children and grandchildren I would not hesitate one second to donate one of my organs. I would even give my life for them.
So far the theory …...
Now the reality.
My liver is for reasons known no longer of any use, my kidneys are too old …....BUT there is another possibility.
(Photo: balik from Pixabay)
At present there just aren't enough donors but there is a possibility to get the attention of future donors. How……?
By establishing a foundation!
A foundation run by “Tattoo Donor”
You might wonder how this works…..
I realized whilst writing my article “Tattoos” for my previous book that tattoos of famous people could be worth a fortune when auctioned.
Nowadays almost every famous movie star...popartist...and other celebrities have 1 or more Tattoos. Having Tattoos is a real hype.
Well...everybody that has a Tattoo placed on their back or on another body part, can pledge the Tattoo to the future Foundation. They can register as an organ donor to the future Foundation.
Only after they have passed away the tattoo is removed, dehydrated and prepared.
BUT HERE IS THE BEST PART… the Tattoo will be auctioned whilst the donor is still alive.
Famous stars that have decorated their bodies with tattoos could make a considerable contribution to the foundation. They can put one or more Tattoos up for auction and only after they have died will the Tattoo(s) be removed.
I want to emphasize that all proceeds will go to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation in order to build labs all over the world for growing new skin.... for growing other donor organs for transplant... and for research on viruses and bacteria. The goal of the future Tattoo Donor Foundation is to build laboraties all over the world... not only in the rich western countries... but all over the world..!
You'd be surprised how many people would be prepared to donate in the future their Tattoo when they know that they support charity and knowing that they can save lives.
Another striving of the future Tattoo Donor Foundation is to get the idea of donating your organs much more generally accepted. As soon as the millions of fans of popartists and movie stars see that their famous idol is donating a Tattoo to charity.... and perhaps some other organs as well..... then the fans are going to follow massive this guesture. (I hope)
Because only together we can solve the problem of the lack of donor organs.
The future Tattoo Donor Foundation IS NEVER GOING TO BUY ORGANS….!
Since a long time I've been writing to more than 100 famous pop artists…movie stars…and other celebrities with the request to donate their Tattoo to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation…..and put their Tattoo donation on the existing official Donor Codicil or on the Tattoo Donor Card.
For charity……Actually when the first pop artist decides to donate his famous Tattoo to the future Foundation.... Tattoo donations gains popularity momentum.
It's very important that the Tattoo donor must know that he doesn't have to do anything. The famous Tattoo will only be removed when the celebrity has passed away. Only then the Tattoo will be removed…...will be dried…and will be prepared. The removal is painless…..because when you are dead you don't feel anything anymore. Differently then when the Tattoo fan gets his Tattoo….! That's really painful.!
But the advantage of the Donor Tattoo project is that the famous Tattoo can be auctioned while the Tattoo donor is still alive.
Imagine a Tattoo for example from a star like Johnny Depp.....
(Photo: free picuture El Cronista) Justin Bieber….
(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)
… Rihanna….
(Photo: free picture Citaty /
.….or Beyoncé….
(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)
.....or Miley Cyrus....
(Photo: free picture Citaty /
.....or Jennifer Lopez......
(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)
.....will bring in an auction in Sotheby's or Christie's in London. And when the famous Tattoo is pursashed in this way by well-capitalized bidders at the auction.
(Photo: Ekaterina Bolovtsova from Pixabay)
And the bidders can get their hands on a living piece of art. With the option to own the framed Tattoo prepared in plexiglass in due course.The bidder gains a unique piece of art and indirectly supports a good cause.
The money for the purchase of the donation-tattoo is tax deductible.
And in the meantime the famous Tattoo owner has automatically become a donor in an inexpensive way.
And if persons...same as the celebrities... get a Tattoo to draw attention…you can bet that they will!
However the most important part of this project is that the liver patient gets a new organ.
This formula is obviously applicable to all kinds of organ transplantation's.
It's not the future foundations aim to buy directly organs from private individuals. As in developing countries like India….Brazil….etc. ect. In these third world countries the poorest people already have sufficient misery. And it's not OK. when they are temped to sell, for example a kidney, for money. The new foundation is never…...NEVER..!....going to buy organs.
No Way. !
But with the money from the Tattoo auctions the future foundation can improve the system of the donor codicils,........can grow new skin in labs... can grow other donor organs... can do research on viruses and bacteria ……..and can accomplish that the legislation on transplantation's will be more easy in the future.
(Photo future Tattoo Donor Pyramids. Copyright Martin from Victor Doblado in Malaga)
Many countries are unable to meet the demand for donor organs. In the future Tattoo Donor Foundation laboraties we can solve this problem.
The Tattoo Donor Foundation will be, as far as I am concerned, the first corruption free charity…….. I hate corruption!
Maybe I am a dreamer but this new foundation will only have the best interest of the patients at heart. No fancy cars for management or any other form of luxury.
Every single penny will go to the patients interest or so say it in another way:...the money goes to the building of laboratories for growing at large scale of new skin and other donor organs....and for research on virusses and bacterie.
An internal control system will see to it that no money will disappear into the wrong pockets. When everything goes well... the future Tattoo Donor Foundation is going to support financial other charity all over the world as well.
In an annexation of the Tattoo Donor Foundation new skin can be grown on a large scale, which is highly desired to help victims of with severe burns.
As it happens you can grow skin in a lab.
Did you know this?
Actually you can grow new skin in the so called Petri Plates or Petri Glass.
(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)
Many times when I´m promoting my Tattoo Donor project people react on the idea to use the Tattoo of deceased this: "It´s weird....".....or:....."It´s macabre.....!".....or..... "It´s creepy...."....or: ....." It´s bizarre.....!"
(Photo: free picture PxHere)
Right away I answer with this: "You know what is really creepy....!? That we still in the 21th century use the skin of dead bodies to cure the burnwounds of persons with burns. And that the surgeans still transplant dead skin of dead people on somebody´s wounds. I think it´s more aesthetic and hygienic when we are going to use in the future the sterile new skin from pertri plates from the future Tattoo Donor Foundation laboraties.
Did you also know that skin is the largest organ in a human body and weighs about 11 kilo's...
Another task of the future Tattoo Donor Foundation lies in the research on Tattoo ink. The European Union regulates Tattoo ink and discovered that some coloring agents can be carcinogenic. Tattoo ink seeping in the human body collects in the lymph nodes over time. So in the future Tattoo Donor laboraties one can devolep a Tattoo ink that is not carcinogenic. The European Union is going to prohibit some coloring agents officially from the 1st of January 2022.
By the way......
Tattoo Donor (Martin Cuijpers) has invented the FIRST Tattoo Donor Card in the WHOLE WORLD...
(Photo copyright Martin Cuijpers)See the article in this Blogger.
Moreover Tattoo Donor has got on his old age a Tattoo especially for charity. This Tattoo is called Tattoo Donor Knight.
(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers )
And this will be FIRST Tattoo donation in the whole world. Because I'm going to donate my Tattoo Donor Knight to medical science.....or to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation.
A very important comment/footnote for my part:
When I was explaining people how the Tattoo project does work....there was a hugh misunderstanding.
The majority of people was thinking that the Tattoo of the celebrities was going te be transplanted DIRECTLY on the human body of another person. 0r being used for people with burns.
THAT IS NOT THE CASE.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The celebrities's Tattoos are only ment to be auctioned in Sotheby's.
To finance this Tattoo Donor project. Hopefully in the future Tattoo Donor laboraties we can grow sufficient new skin that the international demand worldwide for Donor Organs can be supplied.
The Tattoos of the celebrities are going (after the celebrities have passed away) to be prepared and dried and conservated. The conservated and dried skin is put in a frame of plexiglass to send in due time to the generous bidder in the Sothebey's auction.
(Photo: Flickr.)
An example of a dried and conservated Tattoo.....
(Photo: Look and Learn)(Photo: Martin Cuijpers)
The future Tattoo Donor is never going to ask money to people.....
(Photo: free picture Rawpixel)
Neither to the government.....!!!!!
Nevertheless the future foundation is going to be.....if everything works out ok...the first foundation in the world that is self-supporting. And will be financialy completely independent.
To be continued.....
(Photo copyright Martin Cuijpers.... design Victor Doblado from Malaga)
(Photo: free picture Stat of Reform)
To be continued.....
For everybody who is working in the hospitals over all the world:
THANK YOU SO MUCH.....!!!!!!
(Photo: free image Pixabay)
Recently 3 paintings from Pablo Picasso have been auctioned in Sotheby's for like 990 millions of dollars or pounds.
(Photo: free picture Flickr)
Picasso has made more than 3000 paintings or other art.
Beyonce has only 1 Tattoo......!!!!!
You can imagine when Beyonce should donate her Tattoo to Charity what an impact this would make on the future Tattoo Donor Foundation.
(Photo: free picture Flickr)
Recently Tattoo Donor has visited the bronze sculpture of Picasso in the Plaza de la Merced in Malaga.
(Photo: Martin Cuijpers)
Een lichaamsdeel kan een handelsmerk of herkennings item zijn. En daarvoor kiezen veel mensen ervoor....en vooral popartiesten, filmsterren en andere beroemdheden...een lichaamsdeel te verzekeren. Dus het wordt een soort van levensverzekering waarbij bijvoorbeeld op de pensioengerechtigde leeftijd een aanzienlijk geldsbedrag uitgekeerd wordt.
Voorbeelden van beroemdheden die een lichaamsdeel verzekerd hebben zijn o.a. Cristiana Ronaldo voor zijn benen, Julia Roberts voor haar man met de verleidelijke lach en de Nederlandse pianist Wibi Soerjadi.
Zo heeftDolly Parton haar borsten voor 600.000 dollar laten verzekeren.
Welnu.....alle Tattoos die aan de toekomstige Tattoo Donor Foundation gedoneerd worden....gaan verzekerd worden. Althans dat hoop ik....!
Ik heb op het internet gezien dat in Nederland de verzekeringsmaatschappij lichaamsdelen verzekert....maar ook Lloyds Benelux.
Wordt vervolgd.....
(Photo: free picture
An open letter to Beyoncé Knowles:......(And Jay Z of course !)
(Photo: free picture
"Good morning Beyoncé…….
(Photo: are you doing….I have seen your Tattoos on the internet
Your lucky number is 4…
Well mine is 13.
Since I'm working on the UNIQUE Tattoo project that is called “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs”……….I want to ask you something:.....could you …...please….. read my article?
In the Blogger
(before First Tattoo Donations)....
Two examples of dried Tattoos.....(Note: and these Tattoos are more than 120 years old.!!!)
(Photo: free picture Look and Learn)

(Photo: free picture Look and Learn)
WARNING: Tattoo Donor is not interested in money….or fame.!
All the proceeds go to charity.
Through the future Tattoo Donor Foundation.
Worldwide every day die people in hospitals while they were waiting for a donor organ.
With the future Tattoo Donor Foundation that problem will be solved for ever….!
For Ever.!
Do you know that it is possible to grow new skin……
….and more skin for people with burns……
In the future the Tattoo Donor Foundation is going to grow human skin on a large scale in it's laboratoriums.
(Photo: copyright Martin Cuijpers....artist Victor Doblado)
In the beginning reading the article it seems a little bit a mess….but everything is going to work perfect. So if you have some questions….don't hesitate to ask me.
By the way....Tattoo Donor has invented the FIRST Tattoo Donor Card in the whole world.....
link - Cadillac Records - I'd Rather Go Blind -
The cover of Etta James….
To be continued…...
See also my article “Apeshit”.
___________Beyonce ___________
(Photo Pixabay))
An open letter to Beyonce (and to Jay-Z of course.!)
"Hello are you doing.? I have seen your Tattoos on the internet. Your lucky number is Well....mine is 13. Since I'm working on the UNIQUE Tattoo-project "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs " I want to ask you something... could you please read my article in my Blogger
Tattoo Donor is not interested in money or fame. All the proceeds go to charity.
All proceeds...!!!
To the future Tattoo Donor Foundation....... and where is some money left over ... to other charity.
Worldwide every day die people in hospitals while they were waiting for a donor organ. But the problem is that there are not sufficient donor organs.
(Photo: Free image on Pixabay)
With the future Tattoo Donor Foundation that problem will be solved for ever.
Do you know that one can grow new skin... .... and grow new ears and so on glass dishes. ( called Petri dishes)
In the future the Tattoo Donor Foundation is going to grow new skin at large scale.
(Photo: free picture Flickr)
.....And to grow other organs for transplant.
Another task for the future foundation will be to do research on bacteria and viruses.
(Photo: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)
The project is very complex so if you have any questions or comments I'm happily to explain everything to you.
By the way.... Tattoo Donor has only the best interest of the patients in mind and for that it wouldn't be no problem for me when you integrate this completely in one of your own Charity-projects. Tattoo Donor is only a dreamer.... and isn't a buisenessman. Tattoo Donor isn't interested in money or fame. That's why Tattoo Donor is never to ask money to people.... neither to the gouvernement.
For now have a nice day, a regard......... Martin Cuijper (Tattoo Donor)"
Link - Beyonce - Single Ladies (Put a Ring on it) (Video Version) -
This article was first time published long time ago in my previous Blogger.
__________Grimes ___________
Grimes heeft verschillende Tattoos.
A regard from sunny Malaga, Spain
Martin Cuijpers "
________Justin Bieber________
(Photo: free picture Flickr)
As you can see ......Justin Bieber is a fan of Tattoos......
(Free Photo Pixabay)
A request to Justin Bieber: “Popstars can donate their tattoos to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation too……..
Justin: “Please read the article “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs” in the Blogger
(Before First Tattoo Donations)
It would be very nice when you consider to your Tattoos to Charity...
By doing this you could help to promote.... and give a cick start to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation.
In this way you could help a lot of people that have a disease and burns.
The goal of the future Tattoo Donor Foundation is to build laboratories for growing at large scale new skin....for growing organs for transplant... and for research on viruses and bacteria. (in the beginning of this project research on the aids virus but now as well on the coronavirus of course)
link - What do you mean - Justin Bieber ….
To be continued....
UPDATE:.....everytime my articles need updates because the number Tattoos of Justin has grown in the years. As you can see in his song "Ghost"
Link: Justin Bieber/ Ghost
The main goal of the future Tattoo Donor Foundation is to grow at large scale new skin for people with burns.....
You must not forget that up to now the skin of people that are deceased is still used to cure the burns of patients that have burns......With the future Foundation we can grow new skin on a more hygienic and aesthetic way.
At least on a more 21th century-way......!
_____________Glennis Grace_____________
(Foto glennisgrace_performance)
( Foto Copyright Martin Cuijpers)
Mijn Tattoo Donor Knight ga ik doneren aan de toekomstige Tattoo Donor Foundation.
De challenge is nu: "Zou jij ook één van jouw Tattoos willen doneren aan het goede doel.?"
Je hoeft daar feitelijk weinig voor te doen. Alles is omschreven in mijn artikel "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs" in mijn Blogger
Mijn Tattoo-project klinkt een beetje weird maar zodra het grote publiek gewend is aan het idee van Tattoo donaties kan de grootste liefdadigheidsinstelling ontstaan die de wereld OOIT gezien heeft. (uitgezonderd Live-Aid natuurlijk van Bob Geldof).
Ik zou het gaaf vinden als je de tijd en de moeite zou nemen om het artikel te lezen en me bij vragen of reacties te willen bellen of te Whatsappen. Tussen haakjes: de toekomstige Tattoo Donor Foundation heeft o.a. tot doel om laboratoria te bouwen voor het op grote schaal kweken van nieuwe huid....het kweken van ander organen voor transplantaties .....en het onderzoeken van virussen en bacterieën. (om te beginnen in Tilburg Noord).
(Photo: Artem Podrez - Pexels)
En dan niet alleen het kweken van nieuwe huid voor de landen in Europa en America....maar voor ALLE landen op de wereld.! Daarbovenop wil de toekomstige stichting andere goede-doelen-projecten steunen. Glennis....bedankt voor je kostbare tijd...en ik hoop je spoedig te spreken, Martin Cuijpers."
(Foto van glennisgrace_performance)
En Tattoo Donor zou Tattoo Donor niet zijn als er geen partij goede muziek bij zat: I Have Nothing - WHITNEY, a tribute by Glennis Grace
Link: I Have Nothing - WHITNEY, a tribute by Glennis Grace -
Met dank aan glennisgrace_performance voor de foto's
Gepubliceerd 9 september 2021 (met de datum 23-8-2021) geschreven op 5-9-2021 en een paar jaar geleden is het artikel "Glennis Grace" ook in mijn oude Blogger gepubliceerd.
_________Ben Affleck _______
(Photo Back Tattoo Ben Affleck.)
"It's awful.!" she said cheerfully. "I mean, I would tell him that." That was the honest opinion by the singer J****** L****.
When I was a teenager I had bought a shirt with a colorful image of a bird on the back. Something like this :....
(Photo: Pixabay)
In the beginning I was proud as a peacock.
(Een kanttekening mijnerzijds....Gisteren....28 november 2022 heb ik een foto gemaakt van een arend van een artiest in Barcelona. Hij had op de kade naast de Nao Victoria een krijttekening gemaakt. De overeenkomst is groot.....)
(Foto: Martin Cuijpers)
(Photo: wikimedia
But without realizing it... the shirt was a little bit over the top. Quiet soon... after a few weeks showing of with my new acquisition... I started to hate the ugly thing. But "no pasa nada" I was only 16 years old. Normally I did wear my clothes down to the thread. Not with this shirt.... it disappeared very quick in the bin.

That's possible with a shirt...
A Tattoo is for life...!
When Ben Affleck decided to get the Fenix back Tattoo was he maybe drinking?.....
Photo Ben drunk
..... or on drugs?
Photo Ben drugs
My problem is that I never keep my big mouth shut off an never keep my opinion to myself.... so here I go again :
An open letter to Ben Affleck :
Hi Ben... do you like your Fenix Tattoo yourself?
When "yes"..... good for you.!
When "no"..... I have a request. Would you like to donate your Fenix Tattoo to charity.? Recently you've the possibility to donate a Tattoo to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation.
Please read my article "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs" in my Blogger
(Before First Tattoo Donations)
As know there is a shortage in donor organs and every day people die in hospitals over the whole world while waiting for a donor organ.
Tattoo Donor is Never going to buy donor's going to grow donor organs in his laboraties.
(Photo: everything works well in the future the Tattoo donations from pop artists, movie stars and other celebrities will go to auction (for example to Sotheby's).
Or to Christie's.....
(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
And will be auctioned already during the celebrities life times.
All the proceeds go to charity....!
Your Fenix Tattoo would give a enormous contribution to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation.
Ben..... if you have any questions or doubts please call me.
Have a nice day, Martin Cuijpers
To be continued.....
Link: Ben Affleck Makes SURPRISE CAMEO in Jennifer Lopez´s New Music Video -
(First time published 5-10-2021
_____________Jennifer Weist___________
(alias yaenniverfromtheblock)
Ein offener Brief für Jennifer Weist von Deluxe Music:
“Hallo Jennifer…..Du bist wahrscheinlich beschäftigt mit deine Karriere und Deluxe Music, aber vielleicht hast du ein wenig Zeit um das Artikel "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs” in
(Vorher First Tattoo Donations) zu lesen…………
Es wäre schön wenn du das überlegst und viele Patienten hilfst an Organen.
Tschüss………..Martin Cuijpers (Tattoo Donor)"
Entschuldige für meines slechtes Deutsch……
Jennifer Weist is de zangeres van de duitse rockband Jennifer Rostock uit Berlijn.
Tevens is ze presentatrice in het muziekprogramma Deluxe Music.
link - Mix Jennifer Rostock - Hairspray -
Wordt vervolgd…….
(Foto: gratis foto Wikimedia Commons)
(Foto: gratis foto Wikimedia Commons)
Wordt vervolgd.....
(Foto: gratis foto Wikimedia Commons)
________Soraya Arnelas_________
Una carta abierta por Soraya Arnelas;
“Hola Soraya, a mi me gusta mucho tu tatuaje entre los pecho……..
Por favor…….quieres leer el articulo “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs” en mi Blogger
(Antes First Tattoo Donations)
Quizás éstas interesado dar el tatuaje a la futura fundación.
Gracias, Martin Cuijpers ".
In English: ……..Soraya Arnelas
An open letter for Soraya Arnelas:
Please, can you read the article “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs” in the Blogger
Maybe you are interested to donate the tattoo to the future foundation……..
Thank you, Martin Cuijpers. "
Wordt vervolgd…..
Link: - Soraya Arnelas - Send Me An Angel (Directo en Bamboleo) 11-05-2013 -
________Miley Cyrus__________
An open letter for Miley Cyrus:
“Hi Miley, I have seen on the internet that you have a lot of tattoos…….I have a request: Would you like to read the article “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs” in the Blogger please.
(Before First Tattoo Donations)
It would be great when you consider to donate a Tattoo yours for the future Tattoo Donor Foundation. In this way you could help a lot of patients to a organ. And it will cost you nothing.!
Thanks, Martin Cuijpers ……”
And don't forget: Nothing breaks like a heart………!
link - Mark Ronson - Nothing breaks like a heart (official video) ft. Miley Cyrus -
(Free photo Pixabay)
(Photo: free picture Pixabay)
Wordt vervolgd……
(Photo: latest song is Flowers....
Link: Miley Cyrus - Flowers (Official Video) -
“Hi Miley, I have seen on the internet that you have a lot of Tattoos…….I have a request: Would you like to read the article “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs” in my Blogger please.
Thanks for precious time... Martin Cuijpers ……(Tattoo Donor)”
And don't forget: Nothing breaks like a heart………!
link - Mark Ronson - Nothing breaks like a heart (official video) ft. Miley Cyrus -
To be continued………
______________Adam Levine_______________
An open letter for Adam Levine…..”
“Hello Adam….I don't know you personally but I have a question:
Would you like to read my article “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs”, please?
In my Blogger
(Before First Tattoo Donations)
My book is about women and for women. But the organ-donation is a subject for men as well. !
I think, that the Donor Tattoos will be the pieces of art for the future.! Van Gogh and Rembrant will their hart out. I hope that you will read my article "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs" in my Blogger and consider to donate one of your famous Tattoos to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation.
(Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)
In fact I believe so much in my Tattoo project that I'm going to put an example in showing the world that my own Tattoo that is called Tattoo Donor Knight is going the be the FIRST Tattoo donation in the WHOLE WORLD. Or if you of your famous Tattoos can be the FIRST Tattoo donation in the whole world. In that case we can go together to the first Tattoo auction in Sotheby's in London. I'm looking forward to this memorable moment.
Thank you so much, Martin Cuijpers ”
Adam Levine and Maroon 5:
link - Maroon 5 - Girls Like You ft. Cardi B -
__________Grimes ___________
Grimes heeft verschillende Tattoos.
A regard from sunny Malaga, Spain
Martin Cuijpers "