Cyndi Lauper

 ____Cyndi Lauper____


 (Photo: free image Flickr)

Cyndi Lauper is an American singer, songwriter and actress. But also an activist.

Cyndi Lauper has a tattoo of a tiger design on her left I´m going to write her in a open letter if she is willing to donate her tiger-tattoo to charity....or to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation.

Open letter to Cyndy Lauper: ....

"Hello Cyndy are you doing? I have seen on the internet a photo yours with your tattoo of a tiger. 

Are you aware of the fact that since Tattoo Donor has invented the Tattoo Donor´s possible to donate a tattoo to chartity?   Or to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation.

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

You didn´t know that....hey!

You can read everthing in my article "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs" 

In my Blogger

(before First Tattoo Donations)

One of the main goals of the future Tattoo Donor Foundation is to build laboraties for growing new skin for people with burns...and for new skin for acid survivors. And moreover to grow other organs for transplant. 

It would be great Cyndi......when you consider to donate one or more tattoos yours to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation. In this way you could help a lot of patients to a organ. And it will cost you nothing.!
The fact is that still people die worldwide in hospitals while waiting for a donor organ for transplant,

(Photo: free picture Public Domain Archive)

But the problem is that there excists a lack of donor organs. 
With the future Tattoo Donor Foundation this problem will be solved in one blow....

(Photo: free picture Pixnio)

Nowadays it is possible to donate a tattoo to charity because I have invented the FIRST Tattoo Donor Card in the world....

(Photo: Tattoo Donor (Martin Cuijpers)
Thanks for precious time... Tattoo Donor (Martin Cuijpers)”

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

Published 11-4-2024
By the new email adress is 







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