Antonio Banderas
____Antonio Banderas___
(Photo: free picture Flickr)
As far as I know does Antonio Banderas have no tattoos.
Nevertheless I´m going to write him an open letter to tell him about my Tattoo project for charity....
"Good morning Antonio Banderas....several times I have been to the door of your appartement to tell you about my Tattoo project for charity....
Although you have no tattoos yourself (as far I know) I do have request....could you please be so kind to read my article:
"Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs"
In the Blogger:
Worldwide people still are dying in the hospitals while waiting for a donor organ. But the probleem is that there are not suficient donor organs available... With the future Tattoo Donor Foundation this problem will be solved for ever...!
In the meantime while I wait for your answer I continue promoting my Tattoo project in Malaga.
(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)
Thank you so much for your precious time and hope to speak you soon...Tattoo Donor (Martin Cuijpers)"
(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)
The Tattoo Donor t-shirt.....
(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)
(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)
(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)
(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)
When I´m guiding family and friends in Malage I´m joking that I have my own wine barrel in El Pimpi.....
(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)
And recently Antonio has opened his second El Pimpi in the outskirts of the lovely town Marbella. At the costa del Sol.
(Photo: Martin Cuijpers / Tattoo Donor)
(Photo: Martin Cuijpers / Tattoo Donor)
The list of friends of Antonio Banderas that are also in my Tattoo project and do have one or more tattoos:
1. Melanie Griffith
(Photo: free picture Flickr)
2. Dakota Johnson
(Photo: free picture Flickr)
3. Salma Hayek.....
(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)
4. Penelope Cruz
(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)
5. Brad Pitt
(Photo: free picture Rawpixel)
6. Sylvester Stalone
(Photo: free picture Flickr)
7. Madonna
(Photo: free picture Flickr)
8. Angelina Jolie
(Photo: free picture Flickr)
9. Johnny Depp
(Photo: free picture Flickr)
10. Nicole Kidman
(Photo: free picture GoodFon)
11. Tom Holland
(Photo: free picture Flickr)
12. Jessica Alba
(Photo: free picture Flickr)
(Photo: free picture Flickr)
Yesterday (22-2-2024) I have seen the movie Uncharted....from the year 2022.
(Photo: free DeviantArt)
Antonio played an important role by telling his version of the first tour around of the Spanish ship the Nao Victoria. It´s a coincindence that I sailed in the same year for 6 months as the pirate of the Nao Victoria.
(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)
For 11 months I was a volunteer on 4 ships of the Foundation Nao Victoria.
(Photo: Foundation Nao Victoria)
So I know quiet well the historia of the Nao Victoria. If you´re also interested you can read my story of my sailing experience from day 1 untill day 323 in my Blogger
(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)
And when the Nao Victoria comes next time to the Costa del Sol....I want to invite Antonio Banderas for a personal guiding tour on this marvellous replica of the Nao Victoria.
Link: UNCHARTED - (Official Trailer (HD) -
Antonio Banderas in Sidney (Australia)
(Photo: free picture Flickr)
(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)
Yesterday 19 september 2024 I was so lucky to meet Antonio Banderas personally. And was delighted to give him my businesscard and could explain about a little bit about my Tattoo-project for charity. Antonio was so friendly to take some selfies with me...although he was exactly in a hurry......
(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)
In Malaga.....
(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)
Thank you so much....Antonio!!!!!
(First time published February 2024)
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