Robert Downey

 ______Robert Downey______

(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)

Robert Downey has as far as I know now 3 Tattoos....

The thing with Tattoos is that they multiply before you notice.  Now a person can have 3 year he has 5 or more. the moment the score of Tattoos of Robert is 3. 

Number 1....The Avengers Tattoo....was an idea from Scarlett Johansson to complete 10 years of strarring of Robert in Marvell Movies. 

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

The ink was made by Joshualord.

Number 2....The Tattoo with the letters of the name of his son Indio.

Number 3.... The Tattoo Suzie Q dedicated to his love for his wife Susan Levin.                                    

By the way the song Suzie Q from the Beach Boys I remember from my youth.  The song I played many times before starting to sleep,  The tune made me dream of another universe.

Link - Creedence Clearwater Revival - Suzie Q -

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

Back to I found out about Robert Downey´s Tattoos I am going to ask him in an open letter if he is willing to do something with his Tattoos for Charity.

So there we go again.....

"Hello Robert Downey....On the internet I have seen that you have several Tattoos. Two of them are dedicated of people you love the most. Do you know that you can do nowadays something special with your Tatoos....something VERY special....?

Could you be so nice to read my article "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs"

In the Blogger

Everyday people still die in hospitals while they were waiting for a donor organ for transplant. But the problem is that not sufficient organs are available. Because there exists an lack of donor organs. With the future Tattoo Donor Foundation this lack will be gone for ever.

(Photo: free picture Hippopx)

I can imagine that reading the article brings some questions....but I´m happily to explain you how the project works,

A regard....Martin Cuijpers (Tattoo Donor)

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

Maybe the perfect next job for Iron Man....?

(Photo; free picture

(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)

First time published 5-2-2023

By the new email adress is

______Connor McGregor______

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

Connor McGregor is een Ierse MMA -vechter die wereldkampioen geweest is in verschillende gewichtsklassen.

First time published 5-2-2023


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