Alicia Keys
______Alicia Keys______
An open letter to Alicia Keys:
“Hello Alicia Keys… are you doing.?......I have a question… see on the internet so many fake tattoos…..are yours real?
It's not of my business…...but I'm working on a charity-project that is called “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs” …..….
link - Alicia Keys - New York / ORIGINAL Music Video -
To be continued……..I hope……
(Photo: free photo Wikimedia Commons)
An open letter to Alicia Keys:
“Hello Alicia Keys… are you doing.?......I have a question… see on the internet so many fake tattoos…..are yours real?
It's not of my business…...but I'm working on a charity-project that is called “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs” …..….
Could you...please…. read about this Tattoo-project in my Blogger:
(before First Tattoo Donations)
Everyday people still are dying in hospitals while waiting for a donor organ.
But the problem is: there are not enough donor organs.
With the future Tattoo Donor Foundation this problem will be solved in one strike.
Normally I'm not in a hurry in my life, but now I am.!
I have even designed a T-shirt to start the Foundation quickly………..
Do you like it…..?
Thank you for your precious time…….I hope to speak you soon….Martin Cuijpers
Everyday people still are dying in hospitals while waiting for a donor organ.
But the problem is: there are not enough donor organs.
With the future Tattoo Donor Foundation this problem will be solved in one strike.
Normally I'm not in a hurry in my life, but now I am.!
I have even designed a T-shirt to start the Foundation quickly………..
Do you like it…..?
Thank you for your precious time…….I hope to speak you soon….Martin Cuijpers
(Tattoo Donor)”
link - Alicia Keys - New York / ORIGINAL Music Video -
To be continued……..I hope……
(Photo: free photo Wikimedia Commons)
(First time published 20-6-2019)
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