Adriana Lima

____ Adriana Lima_____

(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
An open letter to Adriana Lima:

“Hello Adriana Lima… are you doing.?
(Photo: free picture Flickr)

On the internet I have seen that you have a tattoo on your foot….. It's a tribal

I am working on a project about tattoos. It is called “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs"

Could you…….please…….read my article “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs ” in the Blogger:  ……?
(before First Tattoo Dontations)

Worldwide still die every day people that were waiting for a donor organ for transplant. But the problem is that there are not enough donor organs.

With the future foundation this problem can be solved for ever.!
 (Photo: free picture Pixabay)

The future Tattoo Donor Foundation has the goal to build laboratories all over the world (not only in America and other rich countries .....but all over the world) to grow new skin at large scale for people with burns..

(Photo: free picture Pixabay)
Laboraties to grow other organs for transplant....and to do research in virusses and bactaria.

Thank you so much for your time……..and I hope to speak you soon…...Martin Cuijpers  (Tattoo Donor).”

To be continued……..

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

(First time published 8-5-2019)
By the new email adress is


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