Taylor Swift

________Taylor Swift________

(Photo: free picture citas.in)

An open letter to Taylor Swift:

“Hi, Taylor Swift……..How are you doing?

I am looking on the internet for famous tattoos….

This tattoo in your neck is real.?

Recently you have the possibility to do something special with your tattoo.

I am funding a foundation that want to be build laboraties for growing new skin and for doing research on viruses and bacteria. In the mean time arrange donor organs for people that are waiting for a transplantation. Since there is a lack of donor organs every day people are dying while could have been helped if there were enough donor organs.

If you could find some time to read my article “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs” and consider to donate one of your tattoos to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation ……….that would be great….!

See the Blogger:  tattoodonor.com
(before First Tattoo Donation)

If you have some questions….please, don't hesitate and ……..please, contact me…...Martin Cuijpers (Tattoo Donor ”

link - Taylor Swift - Delicate - https://youtu.be/tCXGJQYZ9JA

To be continued…….

(Photo: Flickr)
(First time published 14-3-2019)

__________Taylor Swift__________

(Photo: flickr.com)









(Photo: Ondrej Pipis from Pixabay)

An open letter to Taylor Swift:

“Hi, Taylor Swift……..How are you doing?

I am looking on the internet for famous Tattoos….

This Tattoo in your neck is real.?

Recently you have the possibility to do something special with your Tattoos.            For charity.! 
I am funding a foundation that delivers money to grow organs in laboraties for people that are waiting for a transplantation. Since there is a lack of donor organs every day people are dying while could have been helped if there were enough donor organs. 

If you could find some time to read my article “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs" and consider to donate one of your Tattoos to the future Foundation……….that would be great….!
There exists still the possibility for you to be the FIRST person in the WHOLE WORLD who donates his Tattoo to Charity.               

Please see my article "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs" in the Blogger:     tattoodonor.com  

(before First Tattoo Donations)

Worldwide people still are dying while they could have been helped with a donor organ. Worldwide there exists a lack of donor organs....that's the problem...!!!

(Photo: free photo Sals from Pexels)

If you have some questions….please, don't hesitate to ask me and ……..please, contact me on my phone or WhatsApp …...Martin Cuijpers  (Tattoo Donor).”

link - Taylor Swift - Delicate - https://youtu.be/tCXGJQYZ9JA


(Photo: commons.wikimedia.org)

To be continued…….


A more recent link .......

Link - Taylor Swift - You Need To Calm Down - https://youtu.be/Dkk9gvTmCXY

(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

(Photo: free picture Pony Express)

 (Photo: free picture Flickr)

(Photo: free picture Flickr)
By the way...my new email adress is  tattoodonor@gmail.com


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