Camila Cabello


_________Camila Cabello_________

(Photo: Flickr)
An open letter to Camila Cabello:
“Hi Camila Cabello…...I'm about to start a foundation that will be called the Tattoo Donor Foundation.
See my article "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs" 
Could you, please……. read this article about Tattoos in the Blogger: 
(before First Tattoo Donations)
I would appreciate it when I could catch your attention about the fact that worldwide there are still people dying, because there are not enough donor organs for operations.
When you decide to donate one of your Tattoos to charity that would be great gestures to start the future Tattoo Donor Foundation. We need all kinds of support. 
Except financial support. 
Tattoo Donor is not interested in money or fame and is NEVER going to ask people for financial donations. 
The financial picture will work perfect because of my inventions and the donations of the Tattoos of all kind of popartists, movie stars and other celebrities in the whole world. 

(Photo: free photos Wikimedia Commons)
For questions you always can contact me, please…….
Hope to speak you soon.... Martin Cuijpers (TattooDonor)"
link - Camila Cabello - Havana - (Official Audio) ft. Young Thug -

My niece is a big fan of you... she did take the photos in this article during a concert in Glasgow. 
To be continued……..

(Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

(First time published 24-3-2019)

By the new email adress is


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