Miley Cyrus

______Miley Cyrus______

 (Photo: free picture WallpaperUse)
Miley Cyrus is a singer, songwriter and actress from the United States.
And yes.....she has a lot of Tattoos.


 An open letter for Miley Cyrus:
“Hi Miley, I have seen on the internet that you have a lot of tattoos…….I have a request: Would you like to read the article “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs” in the Blogger please.    

(Before First Tattoo Donations)

It would be great when you consider to donate a Tattoo yours for the future Tattoo Donor Foundation. In this way you could help a lot of patients to a organ. And it will cost you nothing.!
Thanks, Martin Cuijpers ……”

(Free photo Pixabay)

And don't forget: Nothing breaks like a heart………!
link - Mark Ronson - Nothing breaks like a heart (official video) ft. Miley Cyrus -


(Free photo Pixabay)

(Photo: free picture Pixabay)

To be continued....


The latest song is Flowers....

Link: Miley Cyrus - Flowers (Official Video) - 

(Photo: Wikimedia Comons)

Miley Cyrus is an American singer and movie star. As young child she played in the series Doc and the movie Big Fish. On the Disney Chanel she performed as Hannah Montana. As a singer she feels the most comfortable in the genres Country and pop.

An open letter for Miley Cyrus:

“Hi Miley, I have seen on the internet that you have a lot of Tattoos…….I have a request: Would you like to read the article “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs” in my Blogger please. 
 It would be great when you consider to donate one or more Tattoos yours to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation. In this way you could help a lot of patients to a organ. And it will cost you nothing.!
The fact is that still people die worldwide in hospitals while waiting for a donor organ for transplant,

(Photo: free picture Public Domain Archive)

But the problem is that there excists a lack of donor organs. 
With the future Tattoo Donor Foundation this problem will be solved in one blow....

(Photo: free picture Pixnio)

Nowadays it is possible to donate a Tattoo to charity because I have invented the FIRST Tattoo Donor Card in the world....  

Thanks for precious time... Martin Cuijpers ……(Tattoo Donor)”

And don't forget: Nothing breaks like a heart………!

link - Mark Ronson - Nothing breaks like a heart (official video) ft. Miley Cyrus -

To be continued………

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

A more recent videoclip of Miley is Flowers.....

Link: Miley Cyrus - Flowers (Official Video) -

In this clip we can see that the number of Miley´s Tattoos is growing steadily. Both her arms show a lot of little Tattoos.

 (Photo: free picture Flickr)

(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)

(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)

(Photo: free picture Pixabay)

 (Photo: free picture WallpaperUse)

(Photo: free picture DeviantArt)

Miley in Wonder World Tour......

(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)

(Photo: free picture WallpapeUse)

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

(Photo: free picture DeviantArt)

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

(Photo: free picture DeviantArt)

To be continued......

(First time published 24-1-2019)
By the new email adress is 


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